Site-specific installation.
When I was an artist in residence at New York MoMA PS1 from2003 to 2004, I worked on a series of work which was related to measurement. The story behind this One Liter Walking project was that I urinated at the intersection of 96th West Street and Riverside Drive in the Upper West Side. I drank a liter of water and walked towards West End Avenue and 11th Avenue, until I needed to urinate again. When I walked to West 45th Street near the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, my bladder could not take it anymore, and I urinated facing a donut truck.
I set up a starting and finishing point by the limits of my body. The metabolism of one liter of water inside my body was measured while the distance my body traveled within a city was tested. The fluid inside my body and the spatial movements I made in the city became resonating metaphors. The distance which was measured when walking through New York City that Sunday could be defined as “the distance of the liter of water flowing through my body.”